New Location for SRK Annual Meeting
The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Sunapee Ragged Kearsarge Greenway will be held at a new location, the Sutton First Free Will Baptist Church beside Kezar Lake in North Sutton on Sunday March 25th. Make sure not to miss the potluck supper starting at 5pm.
The Catholic Church in New London was a wonderful host for many years and we sincerely appreciate the tremendous effort Jean LaChance made every year to make the Annual Meeting an event that many would look forward to attending. This year is shaping up to be just as entertaining, so mark your calendar for the best potluck and lecture in the territory.

This year’s speaker will be author Julie Boardman, who will be discussing her latest book Death in the White Mountains, the first book to focus on fatalities in the entire White Mountain region. Julie also penned When Women and Mountains Meet, focusing on women who shaped history of the high hills of New Hampshire. Her work has appeared in the AMC journal Appalachia, Sierra Club Journal Sierra, Connecticut Audubon and many others. Since moving to New London, NH in 1990, Julie has hiked extensively throughout New England and climbed all the regions 4,000+ foot peaks.