Brian checking GPS distances on SRK trail #14 in Newbury
Brian Faughnan died on August 1st. Brian was a long-serving SRKGC Board Director from Wilmot with years of abundant contributions to the organization. His love of maps, GPS technologies and map making can be found in all three of the Greenway’s SRKG Trail Guides. Brian and his wife, Barbara, also edited and published the SRK Greenway newsletter for many years. The beautiful Certificates awarded to hikers who completed all 14 Greenway section were designed, and usually presented, by Brian and Barbara. He also served for a year as Board Chairman, and led hikes and maintained trails.
Brian could walk out his front door and directly be on Trail 8 walking, skiing, or working. He and Dudley Moseley, also of Wilmot, for many years maintained Wilmot trails 7 (from NH 4A over Bog Mountain to Wilmot Library) and 8 (from library over to New Canada Road) with immaculate care.
He also applied his skills and energies as map maker and Board member to the Wilmot Conservation Commission.
Overall, Brian provided exemplary proof that every community needs a talented, retired physicist to keep the world in working order.
Overall, Brian provided exemplary proof that every community needs a talented, retired physicist to keep the world in working order.
A more complete appreciation of this wonderful man, written by his daughter, Kelly, can be read here: http://www.chadwickfuneralservice.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=3832507&fh_id=12966