Join us on National Trails Day!
Saturday June 7 – NH Trails Day – Winslow Trail, Mt. Kearsarge. Trailwrights will be partnering with DRED and SRKGC performing needed maintenance on the Winslow Trail in Winslow State Park. This is a National Trails day project. Meet 8:30 At the park. Bring Gloves, lunch, good footwear, other clothing of choice. No experience needed. Tools are supplied. Bring your headnet for probable blackfly intervention.
Yes, the Winslow Trail is “off” the Greenway, which uses the longer but less rocky & slippery Barlow Trail to the same destination. But that Winslow-Summit-Barlow loop is one of the most popular trail loops in NH. It gets wear and tear by “over-loved syndrome.” Trailwrights built the Barlow Trail (with local helpers) in 1997. And Trailwrights has come back and helped the SRK Greenway on the Barlow and Summit trails since then. We like Trailwrights people. Let’s help them help the trails.
DATE: June 7th, Saturday
WHERE: Mount Kearsarge, Winslow State Park, Wilmot NH
WHAT: Repair and improve the Winslow Trail from Winslow parking up to its junction with the Barlow Trail
HOW: Help Trailwrights volunteers and learn how trail best practices makes life both easier and happier.
For more information you can visit: